
APF are following Lerato Lesoetsa from Lesotho as she ministers to women in the remote town of Oum Hadjer in Chad. In her latest update, she told us about oppressive heat and violent dust storms, a miraculous healing and the joy of ice cubes from her new solar powered refrigerator.

“Greetings from Oum Hadjer, Chad” says Lerato where the cooler winter season is now giving way to sweltering heat. Between March and May, temperatures climb towards 40 degrees Celsius. The heat isn’t the only challenge. “During this time we also experience very violent dust storms called Habub” she says.

Despite the harsh climate, she explains that her Chadian neighbours always maintain a positive outlook, expressing gratitude to God with the phrase “Alhamdillilahi” meaning “Praise be to God” even during challenging times.

Solar Power and a Changed Life

Recently, Lerato’s daily life has been significantly improved thanks to the installation of a solar refrigerator. “We don’t have to prepare meals from scratch everyday and we get to have ice cubes for cold water.”

Seeking a Jesus Movement in Chad

Lerato yearns for a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit amongst Chadians in Oum Hadier. She started “Operation Fish Oum Hadjer” in January, aiming to identify women receptive to spiritual conversations and prayer within the community. She explains that the initiative has fostered her own personal growth in faith and says she’s become more attuned to the Holy Spirit’s guidance on “who to approach and which houses to visit.”

Δ ‘Nomadic Clan on the Move’ by David Stanley
Licensed under CC BY 2.0

One such encounter occurred six weeks ago at the Quranic School of a woman named Almahakim, who was suffering with heart problems. With her permission, Lerato offered prayers for her healing in Jesus’ name. “A week later we went to check on her and she told us that she was healed through our prayer” Lerato says. “She was so happy and invited us to pray for her younger sister who had malaria. We pray that the Lord would do other signs in our town to the glory of His Name.”

Ramadan and Sharing Our Faith

Soon, Chadians in Oum Hadjer will join with Muslims all over the world and embark on a month-long period of fasting and prayer known as Ramadan. This holy month is traditionally marked by home renovations, repainting, and a general emphasis on cleanliness. During Ramadan, “many people are more ready to have deep spiritual conversations” explains Lerato. “Many of our neighbours have never been friends with Christians and we value every opportunity to speak with them about Jesus (Isa Al-Masiih)”. The daily fast is broken each evening with community feasts, presenting further opportunities to connect and share faith together.

In preparation for Ramadan, Lerato has embarked on a time of prayer herself. She explains she is praying that God would “fill us with more boldness to share our faith, and that He will show dreams and visions of Jesus to our neighbours. Please pray for hearts to be open to the truth of Isa Al-Masiih.”