Before solar power, pastors and their families relied on expensive and dangerous kerosene to light their homes. Children are particularly at risk from burns caused by kerosene lamps. In low income countries, housefires caused by lamps accidentally knocked over are commonplace.
APF’s Let There Be Light Solar project changes all that. In Tanzania and Rwanda, APF solar power is bringing free, clean and safe light to villages. Bright light makes all the difference when it come to study or children’s homework. But on top of the savings from kerosene, solar power units are being used to generate income for the household by charging neighbours’ mobile phones. Using a small percentage of their mobile phone charging profits, pastors are paying back into the scheme so more solar units can be bought and others can benefit.
In Tanzania, APF’s Let There Be Light solar project is located in remote rural parts of Morogoro Region where APF are working with local partner Watu Nanuru, to equip pastors with solar power units.