
July 2024 Impetus.

Welcome to Impetus.

At the time of writing I am taking a break from checking through the footnotes of my final dissertation for the Masters in Digital Theology I commenced a little over two years ago. The title of my research project is ‘The Smart Pastor’ and it is an in-depth exploration of the training needs and opportunities for church leaders in Africa in our digital age.

I want to take this moment to publicly thank the trustees of APF for allowing me the chance to study. I realise this debt of gratitude places me in a similar category to the thousands of African pastors who benefit from access to training, resources and encouragement through the ministry of APF.

To celebrate the completion of my course I am inviting APF supporters to participate in an online digital theology taster session later in the year. This will be similar in content to the sessions I have presented in Africa over the past two years. Details of when these will take place will be published in the next edition of Impetus, but it would be helpful to get an indication of interest, so please drop me an email if you think this might be something you would like to join.

In the meantime, I hope you find the articles and updates in this edition of Impetus inspiring and informative. Thank you, as ever, for your prayers and financial support as APF works to enable effective ministry in Africa through our dedicated training partners.

In Christ,

Revd Dave Stedman